Monday, October 24, 2011

Learning new things

When we first came home with the kids, I had so many plans for preschool type learning, and as I mentioned a while back, I kept having to move farther and farther back in my expectations about what we would be teaching.  I finally decided that my new kids needed a "babyhood" in which to learn the language, the expectations of our family, to potty train, and to allow all of us to bond with each other.

Well, I've declared the babyhood officially over, and the kids are doing great with understanding the  language (we use a little bit of sign language, and a lot of body language, since they're still not very verbal,) potty training is going better and better every day (since that post in which I said something big was about to happen--either good or bad!)  they seem to have accepted the rhythms of our family life, and we're all making strides in bonding with each other (since there are eight of us living in the same house, that's a lot of combinations for the bonding process!)

So our big push now is for manners.  We have some messy eaters, and some yucky, weird habits that don't need to continue, so I say, "That's not good manners!" or "Have good manners!" a lot!  If we have our say, our kids will be fully capable of conducting themselves appropriately in any social situation.  This may be a challenge to implement, since my husband and I are both know-it-alls, and can occasionally kill a conversation just by opening our mouths, but I think for the most part we get along just fine, and have the potential to be able to teach good behavior to special needs kids (we've never really done it before!)

I'm also increasing the preschool activities, now that we're past the baby type activities  (mostly) and although I did very little formal preschool stuff first time around, I can see a real advantage to it this time.  A lot of the skills that didn't take much to learn, especially if introduced to a slightly older child, are a bit tougher this time around.  So we're doing lots of exercising and play to increase gross motor skills, and lots of fun indoor-type stuff to increase fine motor skills.

Little Boy has made huge strides with his sensory type issues.  I remember him throwing grass clippings in the air for months, feeling the texture, and letting it land in his hair and clothes.  He doesn't do that anymore, so I guess he's moved on.  This week I took him to a playground that I had taken him to months ago, and back then he just sat and played in the pea gravel, running his hands through it, and throwing it in the air, completely ignoring the playground toys.  This time he ran through the pea gravel over and over again (the uneven surface is great for building strength, balance and coordination) to get from the stairs and climbing platforms to the slide.  The second time down, he went headfirst, and from then on, he never went feet first again.  I finally took him home when he was exhausted!  He never did pay any attention to the pea gravel this time.
It's hard to share!  We definitely see a lot of squabbling now that people understand their rights!
She's learned so much this year.  How to eat slowly, chew thoroughly, manageable bite sizes.  Still so much to learn, though!

This favorite activity involves dried beans, and a yogurt container with a bean-sized hole in the top.  Good for pincer grasp practice.

He's finally mature enough to play games on the computer, since he doesn't throw himself off the chair in a rage when we don't let him play with the mouse!

Big Girl likes to sing along, and repeat the words.  Little Boy is more of a silent participant.
I gave her these mardi gras bead necklaces to sort into another container.  That takes some work, and the basket handle adds another obstacle...

Look at that concentration!

I still think nature is the greatest teacher.  This particular warm evening we had a windstorm.  She waved her branch in the wind, and felt the difference...  We also got to practice the sign for "wind" a whole bunch!

Little Boy found a feather to hold out in the wind...

Little Girl was singing with her eyes closed, and I think she liked how the wind carried her voice away.

Playdough--take 2!  This time they had a much better idea how to play with it.

Big Girl still wanted to eat it, but more for the texture, I think, since she obviously didn't like the taste.  I can relate.  I like to eat squishy things, like marshmallows and power bars.

This one enjoyed squishing it, and putting it into the containers.

Look how hard he's working!  He spent the whole time cutting his, and it was totally covered with cut marks by the time we finished up.

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