Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's fun to be outdoors

We're so happy to see spring!  I lost most of my rose bushes this past winter, since it was so cold, and even though it seems that it took longer to get here, spring is finally here!

The kids love to get outside to play.  Everything is an adventure to them, and they love to explore even the little things.  Do you remember what it was like to examine a blade of grass, or follow a crack in the sidewalk with your finger?  And what about dirt?  Do you remember discovering that?  It has so many lovely uses--mud pies, little trails, and mountains, filling a little dump truck...  What joy to watch them learning!

Haven't gotten organized, or caught up enough yet, to get started on gardening, or starting my seedlings, like every other year, but I'm getting the itch.  Sunshine will do that to you!

"Good day?  What's so good about it?"

"Well, for one thing, the first flower of the season is blooming.  Isn't it beautiful?" 

"And, it's utterly delicious!"  Just kidding;  I don't let the kids eat flowers!

"All right, now-  I've learned some valuable lessons today about the properties of dirt, especially when it's thrown in the air, on a windy day..."

Hmm... those fangs...  isn't Transylvania in Eastern Europe?

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