Thursday, August 25, 2011

Holding hands, and the strawberry patch

If you remember me talking about grace, and holding hands, here is photographic evidence that Little Boy willingly participates.  Three times a day, there is cause for rejoicing, as another meal is served.  Trust me when I say these kids like to eat, and they really like to be full.  They are full of charity towards one another, and full of energy to dance, play and run back and forth.  The miracle of raising blood sugar!

Everyone loves the top bunk.  All three of these kids are monkeys, and have no trouble getting up and down. 
Remember that strawberry patch my son planted last year, when he heard he was going to be a big brother, and wanted to teach his little siblings to pick strawberries, because he remembered it being so fun when he was little?  Well, it's producing, and here are the little sibs picking the strawberries.  They didn't care about stems or leaves.  It all tastes good.  And where is Big Brother?  Well, he's a little burned out on little sibs, so he's letting them figure it out for themselves.  He's busily refurbishing the chicken coop, since he really wants chickens, and we didn't make it happen this past spring.  Too much on our plates.  He's making good progress, though, and has help from Little Boy.  Oh, wait, that's not help...

Dad grew this.  Aren't you impressed?

Homegrown apple-- the best kind

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