Monday, October 3, 2011


The kiddos received playdough last year for Christmas, but because every toy I bought for them was pretty much too-advanced, and we've had to teach them how to play with practically every single toy they come across, I decided to wait to introduce playdough. The beginning of the school year seemed like a good time, and I'd like to announce that they are starting to get the hang of writing implements. They hold onto them for more than thirty seconds without getting bored or breaking them. So preschool activities are starting to look like possibilities.

We all played with them, to give them a good idea of how to play with it, and just because it's fun! The big kids were pretty good sports, and got pretty creative with it.

Big Girl took a giant bite before anyone could stop her, and then drooled bright yellow saliva for a while. After she discovered it didn't taste good, she wasn't really interested in it. She's all about the food!

Little Girl played nicely with it, and tore it into little pieces which she delicately placed in a lid. I've noticed lately that her pincer grasp is becoming a little more refined. She didn't try to eat any until someone (ahem!) pretended to take a bite of a playdough patty, and then offered it to her with, "Would you care for some?" Mean!

Little Boy has to be convinced of the desirability of any food, and doesn't just pop things in his mouth, willy-nilly. He was, however, intrigued with the texture, and poked his finger into it, and then tried to wipe the small blobs off, booger-style, onto his sister's shoulder. She, of course, took exception to this with as much disgust as if it were really boogers. Kids!

It's been a long year of potty-training, and a few weeks ago, things were really looking up, and we were having a lot of success. Then it all seemed to go downhill, which wasn't completely unexpected. Last week was a beautiful week, in which it all seemed to be coming together, and we were practically weeping tears of joy. What a long year it's been!

We rejoiced prematurely. This week the potty wars are back with a vengeance, and we are being driven to our knees! At least we can pray well from that position! Please, God! Intervene! Show your power! I don't know how many more full baths, full clothing changes, and full linen changes I can do in one day! Because of the fury of the storm, I feel we're on the brink of something momentous and historic. I just don't know what it is. David thinks it's because they've figured out that we're not going to send them back, and they're getting relaxed. I'm hoping it's just one last hurrah to babyhood, and diapers, before they settle down to embrace potty-trainedness, and all the grownup responsibilities it represents. It could happen!

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